Saturday, 20 June 2009

Product Review: The Redwood Co. Cheezly

  • Tonight I'm doing a quick review on a product I tried today, by a company called The Redwood Wholefood Company. They do quite a big range of products but I decided to try their 'cheese'. Like everyone else, I love cheese and am quite addicted to it.. why?:

All dairy products contain a chemical called casein, although cheese has the highest content.

Casein is produced naturally in cow's, and also in humans, and contains feel-good, addictive chemicals that ensures you will come back for more. This chemical exists so that newborns will grow healthily.

So out of interest, I decided to try a cheese alternative. I picked the garlic & herb flavoured one, which I liked, but one of my friends said it was too strong for her liking. There are lots of other kinds available as well, such as mozzarella and greek style.

I was surprised to discover it didn't actually taste that different from regular cheese, even though it's dairy and gluten free. It's also suitable for people who are lactose and gluten intolerant or need to watch their cholesterol. It cost about £1.99, which isn't cheap, but you do get quite a bit in the packet.

While I was on a roll, I also decided to try Tofutti ice-cream, which is organic and dairy free. Sounded and looked good.. didn't taste great though. It was very bland, but I guessed it could probably be jazzed up if you added fruit and nuts.

To finish..

Did you know?: Uric Acid, which is used on products such as pretzels to make them shiny, is urine - which should have been obvious judging by the name, but it was news to me! The problem is, producers don't have to state that they've used this ingredient unless you buy big, bulky packets. So, some unlucky people out there are eating urine without knowing it.. I'm just glad I've never tried pretzels before!

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